Category: Uncategorized

  • Dreary

    Third painting in the texture series As my final piece exploring texture in my series paintings, I wanted to work with a softer texture. Considering I had worked on creating paintings that were representative of glossy textures and rough textures, I wanted to challenge myself to do something a little softer with this one. However,…

  • Pogona Vitticeps

    Second painting in the texture series Pogona Vitticeps is the scientific term for the bearded dragon, a lizard native to much of Australia, but also a common reptilian pet in the U.S. Lizards in general have been my favorite animal since I was a child, I remember begging my mother for a pet lizard while…

  • Viscosity

    First painting in the texture series As the first texture painting in my series examining different texture techniques, I wanted to paint something very visceral and capture the sheen and glossiness of healthy, living organs. This was a challenge for me since I am not used to painting with such a smooth texture technique. I…

  • Series proposal

    Three painting series proposal When I started contemplating what ideas I wanted to incorporate into my painting series, one element was clear to me immediately. I want to continue my work with texture, but expand upon it to challenge the ways I have worked with texture in the past. One inspiration for this is the…

  • Large piece composed of smaller pieces

    Metamorphosis For this piece, I knew that I wanted to expand upon some of the themes that I used for my thematic self portrait, which are also themes that I reflected on being a significant part of my work in general- in both my visual art and my writing. I wanted to continue playing with…

  • Thematic self portrait

    Silk Has Two Forms Reflecting upon the different reoccurring elements and themes I include time and time again in my artwork, I developed the idea for this painting based off the many emotions surrounding change, transformation, and growth. I reference a lot of darker themes into work that inspires positive perspectives, which is why I…
